Environmental radioactivity monitoring

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    Who is monitoring radioactivity in your country?

    What type of equipment is used in the monitoring?

    Are there radiation contaminated areas in your country?

    Has the European Commission verified the monitoring arrangements in your country?


    Euratom Treaty Article 35 requires the EU countries to monitor environmental radiation dose rates and radioactivity levels in air, water, soil and foodstuffs. Monitoring is either continuous or based on environmental sampling and laboratory analysis. Typically there is a country-wide national monitoring programme and specific site-related programmes around nuclear facilities. In addition, there are specific arrangements for mobile monitoring in the event of a radiological emergency.

    The European Commission carries out verifications of the monitoring arrangements and maintains a database of monitoring facilities and organisations. The database contains also information on radiologically contaminated areas in the EU Member States.


    Related links

       Reports of Commission verifications during the past 20 years:

    Art. 35 - Reports of Commission verifications

    Database of environmental radioactivity monitoring results in the EU:

    Art. 36 - REMdb, MRs and REMdb online query

    Radiological laboratory proficiency tests organised by the JRC:

    Art. 35 – Radiological Laboratory proficiency tests