Do you know what natural ionising radiation is?
Where can you find natural sources of ionising radiation?
What are the levels of natural ionising radiation in Europe?
Do you know the pathways of ionising radiation?
Natural radionuclides, both terrestrial and cosmogenic, migrate in the environment through different pathways: air, water, rock, soil and the food chain. Radionuclides may then enter the human body through ingestion (food and drinking water) and inhalation giving, so-called, internal exposure. External exposure is due to cosmic radiation and radiation from terrestrial radionuclides present in soil, rocks and building materials.
The first-ever detailed European Atlas of Natural Radiation uses informative texts, stunning photographs and striking maps to answer and explain these and other questions. This Atlas aims to provide reference values and harmonized data for scientific community and national competent authorities. At the same time, it should help the public to become familiar with natural radioactive environment.
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